Discover, Embrace, Connect

Your Path to Acceptance and Harmony

Are you feeling stuck and overwhelmed by the challenges of everyday life? Do you think that when everything happens simultaneously, you can't find the strength to take control?

I know how overwhelming that can be!

My goal is to help you develop self-control and find inner peace so that you can share your best self with your loved ones. Together, we can focus on the areas that need improvement and work on changing your mindset with practical tools you can use daily.

Let's get started on this journey towards a more balanced and fulfilling life.

In the most lovable way

With my comprehensive transformation coaching technique, I combine multiple disciplines to help you move forward.

We will utilize NLP, systemic work, and ancient and new spiritual knowledge, all tailored to your individual needs.

Let's work together to achieve your goals and unlock your true potential.

Coming home within yourself

Personal Growth

Do you want to enhance your self-awareness, self-esteem, and overall personal development?

Relationship Struggles

Are you facing challenges in your personal or professional relationships and seeking solutions?

Life Purpose Discovery

Do you need help with your life's purpose and direction?

Spiritual Exploration

Are you interested in exploring or deepening your spiritual journey and inner wisdom?

Creativity and Innovation

Are you looking to boost your creativity, problem-solving skills, or innovation in your work or personal life?

Goal Achievement

Do you have specific goals or aspirations that you're struggling to achieve and want a personalized approach to success?

Comprehensive Transformation Coaching

  • Unlocking your full potential requires using the power of NLP, systemic work, and ancient wisdom to facilitate your unique journey. Through this integrated transformation, you can tailor your experience to suit your needs best and achieve your goals. To find your purpose in life, it's essential to reflect on your energy, mission and ensure that they align with your current lifestyle and activities.

  • Location: At your chosen location in Amsterdam.

    Time: ca 60min

    Price: €111

    Language: Dutch / English

    Private prices include VAT

    Business agreements exclude VAT

Comprehensive Transformation Coaching Intensive

  • When a separate session is held to identify what can be worked on, you will have the opportunity to fully integrate these themes with the intensive. This will allow you to collect the necessary tools to continue making choices for yourself forever.

  • Location: At your chosen location in Amsterdam.

    Time: ca 60 min

    Price: €1020

    Language: Dutch / English

    Private prices include VAT

    Business agreements exclude VAT

"I completed some NLP sessions with Dia and found it really helpful in giving me clarity to some barriers I was struggling with. With the techniques I’ve learned, it’s given me purpose to move forward with, and I’ve overcome the brain fog that was slowing me down. I would recommend this to anyone looking to achieve the same results in a short period of time"
